Over the course of the last two months the tyres on my wife's car have been slashed three times. Each time it has happened at night whilst the car is parked on our drive. Our other car is in the garage so that isn't any option. Is there anything we can do or a product i.e. wheel covers on the market that prevent this? It's costing a small fortune to keep replacing tyres and more importantly is very upsetting for my wife. Please help!
(A.J, 20 July 2009)
Unfortunately, there really isn't any product which will eradicate tyre slashing. It is for this reason that it is probably so enticing to the mindless vandals who slash car tyres - they can do it quickly and easily and not get noticed.
Various ideas have been suggested in the past, including alarms which go off when people get close to your car. However, most people agree that this is completely impractical as it would only take a small animal wandering by to set off the alarm - hardly a good idea in the middle of the night.
You have already hit on the best and most foolproof way of stopping people slashing tyres and that is to keep your car locked away in a garage where no-one but yourself can get to it. Have you considered renting another garage from someone who does not use it? Or even asking a neighbour who does not have a car if you can use theirs? Renting another garage may seem expensive but it could work out a lot cheaper than replacing tyres at regular intervals.
The other thing to do is to report it to the police. Tyre slashers could be mindless yobs looking for someone to terrorise such as yourself. Or it could be someone with a personal grudge. Either way, if they realise the police have been informed and they may be being watched, they will stop. Or you could try to swap your cars over and see if it is your wife's which has been targeted rather than yours. If so, is it a case of mistaken identity may also be worth attending a neighbourhood watch meeting and asking around to see if other people have had the same problem.
Finally, a last resort due to cost, but an effective way of finding out who is responsible is to install CCTV cameras on your property. The cameras themselves may be enough to deter the vandals and if they are not, they will go some way to helping you identify them. But the police should also be able to help you come up with solutions such as these - vandalism is a crime the same as any other and they should take your problem seriously.
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I placed a complaint at my local pizza hut and next thing I know the whole town knows word for word the conversation I had with her. Which was private because I got food poisoning from their wings or spoiled cheese. So I call pizza hut and ask them to train the employees how to handle privacy. Today I woke up with a flat and the manager lives in my apartment complex.But I have no proof :( I'm a single mom of 3. Please pray for good to overcomeevil.
Godlovesyou - 25-Mar-21 @ 11:40 PM
some one slashed tyres on 3 cars on our estate 1 lady has a small child 1 has 3 kids police wont do owt unless we have proof even tho they have been door to door asking no one as seen owt. Really come on lived here 60yrs and never had owt like it .
js - 19-Jul-20 @ 8:26 AM
I feel everyone's annoyance. I have a brother-in-law that keeps slashing my tires. Police say I have to prove it. Although he's escalating he has loosened the lug nuts and I lost the whole wheel on I95 on my way to work. Needless to say I could have been killed. Police say I need proof!!! I'm at my wits end if I have an accident and die I hope the catch him!
Kim - 14-Jul-19 @ 2:41 PM
4 years later I have not reported this problem because I never believed that it could be possible but at least 30 tyres on 2 separate cars the third one was my partners but my children have been brought it to my attention for them to do so it would have to be else that would not happen !
Shad - 30-May-18 @ 2:15 AM
furious - Your Question:
Over the past several weeks I have been finding dog mess on the pavement outside my home.also at the bottom of my steps. this changed more recently. to the dog climbing into a small close garden area. to date their have been no less than 15 `piles`. this feels deliberate. Can I put up a camera to try to find the perp.???? even if only for a limited amount of time.
Our Response:
You should consult with your local environmental health department or PCSO about this kind of antisocial behaviour.
ProtectingYourself - 17-Nov-17 @ 12:28 PM
Over the past several weeks I have been finding dog mess on the pavement outside my home...also at the bottom of my steps... this changed more recently... to the dog climbing into a small close garden area ... to date their have been no less than 15 `piles`.... this feels deliberate.Can I put up a camerato try to find the perp.???? even if only for a limited amount of time.
furious - 16-Nov-17 @ 1:07 PM
Well I lost a tyre last night... From the size of the cut, it looks like someone stuck a steak knife through the sidewall of the rear left tyre.
I did have a camera pointing out of my window, but they hit the tyre that was in a blind spot. Therefore I have just ordered a new CCTV set with four cameras so even in the blind spots, I can hopefully catch the entry/exit routes of any potential bandits...
See how polite I am being? Not that they deserve it. Although I say hello and smile and wave at neighbours I do not get involved, and I have no feud with anyone. This is pure and simple senseless vandalism.
But what is more worrying, the fact that some pratt is prepared to stick a knife in my tyre..... Or this same pratt is walking around our street with a knife that they already shown a willingness to use?
Admittedly they have used it on an inanimate object, but how long before they up the ante
iLProfessore - 5-Jan-17 @ 9:06 PM
has cost me over £200 the last month on slashed tyres . is there an all round camera or dash board cam i could buy just to catch vandal and have evidence for police who i visited today . don't think they were that interested to be honest. Was thinking off hiring some one just to watch car for a day as it's happening in car park at work.. it's an old car ,but somebody has a grudge. any advise anyone
witsend - 24-Oct-16 @ 9:27 PM
The police have been informed on every occasion. And yes they have been polite. And yes we have took there advice. But how long do we have to suffer. I've tried to look on the Internet for more advice but basically your on ur own when it come to mindless evil people that do this crime. My daughter has three children one disabled childand this person still Carrys on. IAM sure people think it s just some tyres. Well in our case it may come to us loosing our house if it Carrys on. Money doesn't grow on trees as I have also explained to the police this is so devastating to our family we all live at least a good 5 mins drive apart.
Upset lady - 7-Sep-16 @ 6:33 PM
My daughters ex is paying a person to slash our entire family's car tyres and my husband work van we have cctv up and light as advised by police they are on cctv but have hood up and face down they slash three tyres on every vehicle each time it is 3 cars and a van. It has cost over three thousand pound in four months. We are all a nervous reck with the situation. We are now having to build a car port with gates for ours but unfortunately for my daughter there is no way to do this or at my sons.The advice from police is basically spend more money to protect our vehicles. We have phone recording s with indirect threats. None of this is proof for the police. My son is now moving house.How much more do we have to take before the police do something
Upset lady - 7-Sep-16 @ 6:25 PM
@some people. We hope you reported this to your local police?
ProtectingYourself - 19-May-15 @ 2:32 PM
My brother had his tyres let down twice last week and last night had three of his tires slashed. Two with a thin slash and the other one had two slashes put horizontal and two slashes vertical. And the slasher/slashers took the chunch away with them. Me and my family are deviated that this has happened and we hope that it wont happen again. Also, we are sure that the slasher/slashers are the same person that let the tires down twice last week
some people - 15-May-15 @ 9:43 PM
My daughters ex boyfriend has slashed her tyres for the second time last night. He has more than set a pattern to his evil. Every time he tries to contact her and she dosent respond he does something like this. He used to cut holes in her favorite cloths, break her curling irons,ect. Now that he dosent have access to these things he just comes around and cuts her tyres. This has never happened to her befor, so we more than know its him. His name is mathew Garciaand he lives in modesto, Ca. I am thinking about picketinghis mothers home where he lives so all the neighbors will know what kind of a creep he is. By the way he dosent work, my daughter is working to support their two young daughters. How can she make a living when she has to buy tyres to get to work every week?
Mom - 6-Nov-12 @ 10:34 PM
The same thing is happening to my car.I know it is definitely a neighbour.Like your wife, I am a woman but I live with just my young son.These weasels are just cowards.A real man would stand up and be counted.